Earth, the foundation of life, symbolizes stability, nourishment, and growth. It grounds us, connects us to nature’s cycles, and brings people together through shared cultivation, harvest, and foraging.

Our EARTH experience range invites you to gravitate and ground in the elemental power of earth to strengthen inwards and outwards bonds and inspire unity. Our offers consist of experiences built around the earth-element, and you are always met by skilled nature- and outdoor professionals who know exactly where to walk, what to harvest, and most importantly what not to do when operating a leave-no-trace policy.



WALK is an immersive hiking experience designed to deepen your connection with nature and heighten your sensory awareness. As you hike through the National Park, you’ll be encouraged to step off the beaten path, walk on uneven surfaces, and fully sensory engage with your surroundings. Feel the soil, and even the earth beneath your feet, listen to the sounds around you and just breathe.

WALK invites you to slow down, observe, and reflect, creating a lasting bond with the natural world, as our core connection to nature is also the core of wjat you experience in a WALK.


The hiking distance varies, but prepare to walk at least 3-5km. Wear good footwear, and dress weather appropriately.

If needed, our guide staff provides hiking/orienteering maps and compasses for navigation. If larger groups, participants may be divided into smaller groups to ensure a more personalized and intimate experience. Our knowledgeable guides will lead you through the hike, introducing sensory exercises and off-trail explorations that enhance your connection with nature.

The experience is designed to be flexible and adaptive, allowing you to immerse yourself fully in the environment at your own pace.


1-3 hours

Time of day

Day / Late Afternoon




2-75 people





CALM is a facilitated nature nap. Initiated with a quiet walk focussing on the depth inside you, and proximate of milderness nature experiences around you, and followed by a guided meditation or theta healing session to bring your focus away from your train of thought and into your body. Then you are simply let to relax, or nap, in your made up bed – on reindeer hides, under your cozy blanket and even better: under the sky, the crowns or the

We give away the feeling of calm, as it is a (nature)experience on the brink of extinction – humans very rarely take time for peace and quiet, as we have transitioned into Human-doings, always available, buzy on our screens and aiming for achievement in all our pursuits. Connecting with nature while resting our minds and bodies, provides us – or you – the greatest head-start into a newfound awareness of the importance of rest, attention restoration, and balanced heart rate variability you need on a frequent basis.


We move slowly and spend a long time in lying or sitting positions resting. This means that dressing weather appropriately is important.

We provide beds and mats, reindeer hides and soft duvet blankets for your comfort.

The walk is short, but all participants stay in the experience til we finish, as the co-creating experience of experiencing the calmness of depends on all of us being simultaneous in our meditation time, rest, and silent walking.


1-3 hours

Time of day

Day / Late Afternoon


3-50 people




Organic vegan snack + Fresh homemade juice.



FORAGE is our “classic” collecting experience. We go for a short hike in a chosen National Park nature type, and as ancestral cultures, collect edible nature items. We know the best spots and are always connected to the seasons, what they have to offer, and when not to collect certain gifts from nature in order to maintain species sustainability.

Our guide staff are knowledgeable about your findings, and we bring various exploration equipment and species determination books to learn about and be sure of our findings.


FORAGE includes a short hike, so be sure to wear good walking shoes and dress weather appropriately.

We provide baskets for collecting herbs, mushrooms, flower pedals, sprouts, or oysters, clams, shrimp depending on where you do FOURAGE.

Upon request you are able to combine FORAGE with the possibility to prepare a bon-fire meal of your findings.


2-3 hours

Time of day





5-70 people


Organic vegan snack + Hot homemade berry juice. Option of adding bon-fire cooking session of your harvest



Our PICNIC experiences are a mixture of a good old fashioned outdoor treat, and a lecture on your topic of choice from the Nature Connectedness Research Field. Compassion for both the meal we enjoy, and the people we enjoy it with is our highest priority during our PICNIC experience. We do our best to ensure that your picnic meals are made up by elements of groceries and dishes that resemblance our surrounding National Park, season and local specalities. We invite you to enjoy fresh food, to connect with it and the fellow human beings in the specific location that grew and harvested it for us to enjoy the outdoor meal together.


We provide a variety of local seasonal dishes. Served as a traditional nature picnic.

We provide mats and pillows for your to sit comfortably around the picnic blanket.

Dress weather appropriately.

Gluten or nut free, sugar reduced, and vegan options are avalable upon request.


1-2 hours


5-40 PEoPLE

Time of day

Brunch / Lunch / Afternoon




Full Picnic tapas meal + drinks of choice



Envisioning the transformation from a beech branch to a spoon, or a bundle of straws to a rope, changes the way to experience nature. Everything becomes a subject of materialism and everything in your surroundings are given multiple purposes – you are invited to understand the actual existence and purpose of the species, and at the same time your creativity is awakened towards transforming the nature item into something else.

CRAFT is about awakening the intrinsic fascination in you. We facilitate a craft workshop where you have sufficient time to understand the process and work on your handicraft of choice.

Our guide staff provide ideas, practical help and instructions for use of various tools and techniques.


We provide you with a variety of tools, knives, axes and saws. If you have a favorite knife or crafting tool, make sure to bring it.

We bring out reindeer hides and good tree trunk stools for comfortable work positions.

Of course we have first aid kits handy in case of knife cuts or rope burns.


2-4 hours

Time of day

Day / Evening




2-30 people


Organic vegan snack + Homemade juices.



CYCLE is our full 24 hour overnight stay in one of our National Parks. We hike, we camp, we explore and enjoy tranquil times in nature areas.

By spending an entire 24 hour day cycle in nature, you get a feeling of becoming one with it. You align your intrinsic needs and patterns, to nature’s patterns and systems.

Actively noticing natural circular processes inspire human beings to lead lifestyles that resemble nature’s solutions more, leading to greater degrees of sustainable and regenerative thinking and being.

Our guide staff facilitate experiences setting up camp and building our home for the next 24 hours in nature, along with experiences of merely being without any tasks or obligations.


You bring your own personal sleeping / camping gear. You also have the opportunity of renting from us if needed / capacity.

We provide gear for common use, possibility of larger tents, hiking maps if needed etc.

We provide all groceries, kitchen supplies, water, firewood etc. needed for common meal preparations.


24 hours

Time of day

Meet up Morning / Lunch




2-50 people


All meals. Organic, local, seasonal + drinks of your choice.



LINE is a sensory experience of opening yourself to nature around you as well as within you through your senses.

You will get to spend time building, your own individual time line. The time line can symbolize a specific event, specific relationships, or your entire life. Building a time line can be a very personal experience, and doing so with nature materials, creates a neural short cut, to what we perceive as meaningful and valuable in our lifepaths.

The entire time line experience is very dynamic in duration. Our guide staff can facilitate the experience in one hour, or you can choose to fully immerse in your surroundings turning LINE into a Nature Connectedness experience you will never forget, by deciding on the full 24 hour experience.


We bring mats, snacks, and drinks. Depending on the duration of your LINE experience, you can desice with our guide staff whether you prefer common bio breaks for meals and break time, or you prefer to stay in the experience of building your individual time lines.

The 24 hour time line experience allows you to individually work on your entire life line, and provides the opportunity of sleeping overnight on the time line.


2-4 hours / 24 HOURS

Time of day







Organic vegan snack + Homemade juice. (if 24 hour time line, all meals + drinks of choice)



TALE is our “classic” guided interpretation walk with historical, cultural or environmental knowledge sharing from the National Park area.

As we walk through the landscapes, our guide staff enrich the hike with various tales and facts from the area. Both present and past stories are interpreted. Some places the future plans for the area are also discussed in TALE hikes.

The themes for TALE experiences vary greatly depending on geography and choice of content, and amount of times you have hiked with us before, yet always encompass Nature Connectedness awareness.


During TALE we usually get to walk between interpretation stops. The distance varies after location and as per agreement. Be sure to bring sturdy walking shoes, and dress weather appropriately.

We provide snacks and drinks to enjoy along the way.

If special booking or entrances are needed, we take care of it.


1-3 hours

Time of day

Day / Evening




2-75 people


Organic vegan snack + Homemade juice



ART is our land art experience. With the aim of creating art with nature materials (situated or movable), we set out on a collecting adventure. You get to spend a long time collecting the perfect nature items and materials that speak to you in a certain way.

When you have all your materials, you have time for the contemplative process of building your personal land art piece. Building your art piece, balancing rocks, matching up colors, reflecting over memories and reasons for the meaning you put into each item, is a deep and extremely sensitive process.

Sensory experiences, experiences of beauty and meaning are known pathways to deepen human-nature connectedness, and when finished creating, we invite other participants to see our masterpieces, which then connects us to each other too.


We provide you with baskets for collecting all your art material.

When creating land art, nothing is right or wrong, and when invited to share your art with the group, feel free to deside otherwise.

If your group has a specific theme for ART, our guide staff is happy to choose nature type to match your wishes.


1-3 hours

Time of day

Day / Evening




2-75 people


Organic vegan snack + Homemade juice



In Denmark Julefrokost (Christmas lunch) is a tradition. We meet, we connect over conversation, quality food, fun games and Christmas mood. With CHRISTMAS we facilitate a traditional festive get together, in an untraditional manner. We celebrate togetherness, short days, long nights and time for regeneration. By connecting to each other in natural surroundings, the tradition is kept alive in a less ordinary, but more memorable way – and sometimes this even becomes your new tradition. We know this – cause we see more and more of your returning for “the same procedure as last year”… And we love it!

In CHRISTMAS you co-create a meal with and for your group. In smaller groups you each prepare one part of the meal for each other. Orchestrated and carefully planned by us in advance. Maybe collaborative teams cook for each other, maybe you wish to allow colleagues to mix in new relations with a common task of preparing a .


We bring all groceries, kitchen supplies, water, firewood etc. needed for your meal preparations. You will, in smaller groups, be given responsibility for your own bon-fire pit.

We instruct and facilitate the group experience, have the overall plan – and timeplan, but urge you to enjoy the process trusting that what you cook over your bon-fire, is going to fit beautifully into the common meal everyone around you is preparing simultaneously.

Combine with one of our other Experience elements for an active start to your CHRISTMAS.

Because it is CHRISTMAS after all, you have the option of leaving the cooking up to us, while you enjoy other Nature Connectedness experiences in the surrounding area.


2-4 hours

Time of day

Lunch / Dinner




5-50 people


Full meal. Organic, Local, Allergens + vegan optional. + Drinks of choice

What Our Guests Say

“Visiting Naturterapeutisk Refugie was truly transformative. The peaceful surroundings and thoughtful activities allowed me to reconnect with myself and find inner peace.”

Sarah M

“The place you have here! Oh my! This was just what we needed after a stressfull week of travel and workshops – combined with long morning walks in the beech forest, we are now both back in balance. We’d love to come back – but in the meantime, come visit in California!”

Peter & Nancy

“I loved spending an intense writing retreat week with my post-doc colleagues at the Refuge so much, that I had to come back with my family! I love the flexibility you guys have created here. Thank you!”
